
I had a one night stand

Okay I didn't but Christine O'Donnell did. Christine O'Donnell ran for U.S. Senate for the state of Delaware in 2010 and lost to Democrat Chris Coons. O'Donnell prides herself on being "pure" and a "virgin." Yet, in this story it shows that she is not as chaste as she acts.

I don't follow politics at all, so I didn't know who Christine O'Donnell was but I followed some of the links in the article and read what she was about. I was surprised to have read this account from the anonymous male after seeing how much O'Donnell goes on and on about being pure and not having sex.

The post on the Gawker website seems more like an angry letter than journalism. The post the Gawker then wrote back in response to it was more journalistic than the original article. The letter from the anonymous male had too much opinion in it to be considered real journalism. There were really no facts, just statements about what happened that night three years ago. The pictures added to the story though, definitely helped make it believable.

This story is definitely newsworthy because people need to know if a person who they are planning to vote for is deliberately going against something they have stood by for years. A candidate doing that doesn't make them very trustworthy in my eyes. I would want to know if the person I was voting for was a raging alcoholic before I made my final decision. The people of Delaware deserved to know that their "virginal" candidate wasn't as pure as she made herself out to be.

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