
the most attention I have ever paid in a class

Thursday in my sociology class, my teacher talked to us about the Holocaust. I don't think that I have ever been that terrified and interested about history before. It was impossible to not listen and the intensity of the talk was mind blowing. My professor, John White, made me feel as though I was at the concentration camp. I almost started to cry just listening to this information I had never heard before.

My professor is also Jewish, so when he explained the different ways Jews were slaughtered, it was almost hard to look at him knowing that his family went through that. He told us about a study done at a college, can't remember which one, where they asked all the the seniors what they thought about the Holocaust. 40% of the students said that they thought it was fake or exaggerated. That fact alone made my professor choke up. I don't understand how someone could really think that when there is so much documentation on it. Not to mention the survivors of it.

Hitler killed millions of people in just three years. We talked about how it wasn't even Hitler who did the worst, it was the bystanders who did NOTHING. People turned in their neighbors, didn't try and help out others. That made me think of what I would have done if I was living in that time and knew a Jew would I have helped. I would like to think that I would, but it's hard to tell. That fact alone made me want to be a better person.

1 comment:

  1. Everything about the Holocaust makes me want to curl up and die. I had a substitute teacher in HS who was literally like 95 years old and he would tell us everyday that he was the only surviving member of his family because the rest of them were killed in concentration camps and he was the only one to escape to the USA from Poland. The kids in my school were so rude to this old man who would come into class with no lesson plan, but instead a bag of candy and stuffed animals he would pass out and give away as prizes during trivia. I just feel like crying about the very mention of this topic . . so I know what you mean :/
